
Move to Online Onboarding— Three Pluses Why It Makes Smart Business Sense – Part Two

April 11th, 2020 (No Comments)

Here are three pluses about how online onboarding that will help your company directly and make your new employee highly involved with their new job from the first day they get their employment offer in their email to the time they are looked at as full trained and full function employee producing for the company. […]

Move to Online Onboarding— Three Pluses Why It Makes Smart Business Sense – Part One

April 9th, 2020 (No Comments)

Old fashioned onboarding is a way boring and a downer. New employees roll in for their first day on the job to kick butt and take names and then they’re banished to a desk or the break room to complete forms, insurance cards and other required first day papers. Once that drudgery is complete 3 […]

Payroll Processing Money Saving Tips for 2020 – Part Two

April 4th, 2020 (No Comments)

Use direct deposit Direct deposit is a convenient resource that most employees thoroughly enjoy. Having a direct deposit system enables them to be able to access their paychecks without having to wait in lines or deal with the hassle of visiting a bank each and every payday. When you get down into it, over sixty […]

Payroll Processing Money Saving Tips for 2020 – Part One

April 2nd, 2020 (No Comments)

Business owners find that payroll is typically one of the biggest expenses that is encountered with running a business. Employment taxes along with wages is going to make up the vast majority of your payroll costs, but there are other things that need to be taken into consideration, like the expense of simply processing your […]

Super Smart Strategies to Follow in 2020 to Make Your Business a Better Place to Work – Part Three

March 12th, 2020 (No Comments)

Provide Solid Retirement Plans Offering Built In Investment Strategies Another aspect of your employees’ overall health and performance is related to their own understanding of finances. When surveyed, financial worries cause the most amount of stress in people’s lives. When you consider all factors that can be related to this, such as lessened productivity at […]

Super Smart Strategies to Follow in 2020 to Make Your Business a Better Place to Work – Part Two

March 11th, 2020 (No Comments)

Focus On Benefits Strategies to Improve Employee Health and Wellness When it comes to health and wellness options that are available, it is important to recognize the value associated with future health concerns. A large amount of healthcare costs are targeted towards preventative care, which not only puts employees at ease, but allows a more […]

Super Smart Strategies to Follow in 2020 to Make Your Business a Better Place to Work – Part One

March 10th, 2020 (No Comments)

Work with a Local Payroll Processing Company There are several upsides to working with a local payroll service provider. Even though trends tend to come and pass too easily to keep track of, the money saving tactics described herein can be used through most of these phases when it comes to your business. One of […]

Powerful Strategic Steps To Follow in 2020 to Inform Employees About Your Company’s Employee Benefits Package – Part Two

March 4th, 2020 (No Comments)

The communication about future plans is ultimately your responsibility. Some aspects of this part of the program are optional, while others are required by law. You need to acknowledge the differences and formulate your communication plan as you deem necessary. It is always important that you keep your employees and their beneficiaries updated on any […]

Powerful Strategic Steps To Follow in 2020 to Inform Employees About Your Company’s Employee Benefits Package – Part One

March 3rd, 2020 (No Comments)

Providing a company option for health benefits for your employees is only a portion of what needs to be done. Once you’ve found the option that works best for your business as well as your employees and your budget, the next step is to present this option to your staff. At times, this can be […]

The BIG UPSIDE of Working with a Local Payroll Processing Provider – Part Three

February 11th, 2020 (No Comments)

Pride of Your Local Community — All Close to Home Your local payroll company, such as The Payroll Company, based in Albuquerque, NM, is proud to be a part of its business community. They value the relationships that they create and do their best to take care of each and every client efficiently and effectively […]

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