The Benefits of a Rock Solid New Employee Onboarding Program
In 2019 the modern technology workplace is super-fast offering information at one’s fingertips and the ability to communicate at the drop of hat using fast computers, email, texting and online meetings. All that technology is fine and well, but it doesn’t do a company a bit of good when hiring a new employee if a […]
Payroll Processing Outsourcing Plus & Minuses – Part Two
Take a minute to review the pluses and minuses of switching your business to an outside payroll processing services provider. Featured below are both the pluses and the minuses. The Pluses Time savings – Several surveys over the years completed by a variety of business associations have reported that business owners place payroll and payroll […]
Payroll Processing Outsourcing Plus & Minuses – Part One
In today’s modern web-based technology world, companies can choose from multiple options to complete payroll. Business owners that opt to do it themselves is one way and businesses that choose to assign the task of doing payroll to a department, like human resources, is another way to go. Lots of businesses choose to go to […]
Payroll Processing Systems in 2019
Payroll is the biggest financial duty each business must comply with other than paying its legally owed income, payroll and sales taxes. Payroll mandates accurate payment to employees and full compliance with all federal, state and local government laws, rules and regulations. Severe financial fines by government agencies like the IRS and State and employee […]
Top Reasons to Switch Your Company to Online Payroll Processing – Part Two
Switching Your Company to Online Payroll There are a lot of reasons why companies are switching to online payroll systems. Completing important task such as payroll taxes, paying payroll in a timely manner, and payroll tax reporting all become automated and get done on time and 100% accurately when a company does their payroll through […]
Top Reasons to Switch Your Company to Online Payroll Processing – Part One
Switching Your Company to Online Payroll There are a lot of reasons why companies are switching to online payroll systems. Completing important task such as payroll taxes, paying payroll in a timely manner, and payroll tax reporting all become automated and get done on time and 100% accurately when a company does their payroll through […]
Benefits of Payroll Debit Cards for Employees and Employers in 2019 – Part Two
Companies need to check to see if there are extra fees assessed to employees when issuing payroll themselves via debit card and when choosing a payroll processing company offering pay debit card program. Companies need to offer several ways for company employees to receive their pay. A company is not allowed by law to require […]
Benefits of Payroll Debit Cards for Employees and Employers in 2019 – Part One
Payroll debit cards are written about negatively from time to time in the press, but it doesn’t mean this relatively new device for delivering payroll should be done away with by companies using them issue wages to employees. Virtually every consumer transaction today to make purchases of goods and services can be done with a […]
The BIG IRS Problems Associated with Delinquent Payroll Taxes – Part Two
Skipping payment of your payroll taxes is like poking the lion at the zoo through the bars. Eventually the lion, or in this case the IRS, is going to bite the stick or you. Correct withholding of payroll taxes from employee paychecks is a legal mandate for all employers in the United States. Employees logically […]
The BIG IRS Problems Associated with Delinquent Payroll Taxes – Part One
Skipping payment of your payroll taxes is like poking the lion at the zoo through the bars. Eventually the lion, or in this case the IRS, is going to bite the stick or you. Correct withholding of payroll taxes from employee paychecks is a legal mandate for all employers in the United States. Employees logically […]