
Get Google My Business Reviews from Your Customers—Here’s Why

August 8th, 2020 (No Comments)

Improving your website ranking in Google search and Google Maps can be assisted by collecting customer reviews on Google. People sharing on Google what their experience was and how they rank it for a business, from 1 to 5 stars, sends direct signals, positive or negative to the search engines and it impacts local search […]

Add 10 Photos or a Video to Your Google My Business Posts and Add Photos to Your Listing Weekly—Here’s Why

August 7th, 2020 (No Comments)

Google My Business increased the number of photos or videos you can post to your Google My Business posts to 10 in February of 2020. The implementation of this improvement by Google to its Google My Business listings provides business owners the ability to showcase its posts and its business in a much more pronounced […]

How to Make the Most of Google My Business Posts Tool on your Business’ Google My Business Listing

August 6th, 2020 (No Comments)

Back about 3 years ago Google My Business added a post tool for businesses to add posts to their listing. You can use this tool on Google My Business to draw interest to your business by posting relevant articles, news, and updates about your business. There is no limit to the number of posts you […]

Optimizing Your Company’s Google My Business Listing in 2020

August 4th, 2020 (No Comments)

Once your business has claimed and completed its Google My Business listing, the next move to complete is to thoroughly optimize it. Take the time and patiently fill out all the fields in your Google My Business listing. After your business is set up on Google My business, chances are good that your business will […]

Google My Business Importance in 2020 to Local Businesses

July 14th, 2020 (No Comments)

Businesses in 2020 need to take advantage of Google My Business on Google. It provides business an amazing way to show up in the search results in Google for their business name. Besides the apparent reason why it is great due to the fact it helps people locate your business from any computer or smart […]

Employer Regulatory Problems in 2020 for Payroll and HR – Part Three

July 6th, 2020 (No Comments)

Regulatory concerns in 2020 are nothing to sneeze at and business owners should always know what they are and be read to address them. Businesses and their human resources departments need to stay on top of all regulatory compliance subjects, so their businesses keep in line and stay successful. Presented for your knowledge and reference […]

Employer Regulatory Problems in 2020 for Payroll and HR – Part Two

July 5th, 2020 (No Comments)

Regulatory concerns in 2020 are nothing to sneeze at and business owners should always know what they are and be read to address them. Businesses and their human resources departments need to stay on top of all regulatory compliance subjects, so their businesses keep in line and stay successful. Presented for your knowledge and reference […]

Employer Regulatory Problems in 2020 for Payroll and HR – Part One

July 4th, 2020 (No Comments)

Regulatory concerns in 2020 are nothing to sneeze at and business owners should always know what they are and be read to address them. Businesses and their human resources departments need to stay on top of all regulatory compliance subjects, so their businesses keep in line and stay successful. Presented for your knowledge and reference […]

Stopping Employee Open Benefits Enrollment Errors in Their Tracks

June 25th, 2020 (No Comments)

Open enrollment is the time when your company employees can make a change their health insurance benefits or stop paying for it and get rid of it if they so desire. This is the time when your employees can make updates to the type of health insurance they elect or to reduce their current plan […]

Accurate Timekeeping and Its Critical Importance to Your Company and Its Successful Profitability

June 23rd, 2020 (No Comments)

It is a fact that time is connected to money in life and in business. Making certain in 2020 that your company does its timekeeping 100% accurately. Using an online timekeeping system will assist your company in maintaining a system that makes every penny that your company pays for payroll is totally accurate. If your […]

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