
Timekeeping in the Workplace Explained

July 11th, 2021 (No Comments)

Understanding Timekeeping in the Workplace The simplest way to assess work costs is to keep account of time spent on the job, which has been done since antiquity. Many different types of timekeeping have emerged over time and are now employed in various fields. The goal of timekeeping isn’t just to calculate labor costs. It […]

The Critical Small Business Tax Obligation You Must Never Ever Ignore – Payroll Taxes PART Three

July 8th, 2021 (No Comments)

Keeping up with the numerous commitments for federal, state, and local taxes is one of the many challenges that small-business owners must deal with. While most company owners hire a CPA or a tax specialist to deal with tax-related matters, it is crucial for those who are ultimately responsible for all tax responsibilities (the business […]

The Critical Small Business Tax Obligation You Must Never Ever Ignore – Payroll Taxes PART Two

July 7th, 2021 (No Comments)

Keeping up with the numerous commitments for federal, state, and local taxes is one of the many challenges that small-business owners must deal with. While most company owners hire a CPA or a tax specialist to deal with tax-related matters, it is crucial for those who are ultimately responsible for all tax responsibilities (the business […]

The Critical Small Business Tax Obligation You Must Never Ever Ignore – Payroll Taxes PART ONE

July 6th, 2021 (No Comments)

Keeping up with the numerous commitments for federal, state, and local taxes is one of the many challenges that small-business owners must deal with. While most company owners hire a CPA or a tax specialist to deal with tax-related matters, it is crucial for those who are ultimately responsible for all tax responsibilities (the business […]

Federal Government Timekeeping Policies for Government Contractors

June 16th, 2021 (No Comments)

Contracting with the U.S Federal government comes with a set of criteria that are not common in the business world. To qualify for the federal acquisition process and retain their status, government contractors must follow tighter requirements and regulations. The Federal Acquisition Regulations and the Defense Contract Audit Agency’s standards both have timekeeping requirements. Because […]

The Nuts and Bolts of Employee Benefits Administration

June 13th, 2021 (No Comments)

What is employee benefits administration? Employee benefits administration involves creating, overseeing, and updating the employee benefits package your company offers. Most companies hire a benefits administrator to run the entire employee benefits administration process. Offering competitive benefits and perks helps your business attract and retain top employees.  A good employee benefits administration process helps the […]

Top Factors Why Your Business Needs to Hire The Payroll Company for HR Consulting

June 9th, 2021 (No Comments)

It is just as vital to look after your employees as it is to look after your customers, and Human Resources (HR) plays a major role in this aspect of running your Albuquerque business.  They are the department in charge of employee relations and keeping them in sync with the company’s protocols and goals. Any […]

Payroll Processing Needs for Small Businesses in 2021

June 5th, 2021 (No Comments)

Are you in the market for the best payroll processing solution for your small business? With a range of options available, may be difficult to decide which one suits your needs – both now and in the future. Our advice is to choose a system that: Fits with your budget. No matter how effective a payroll […]

Timekeeping in the Workplace and its Effectiveness – Part Two

May 27th, 2021 (No Comments)

How a company functions can impact multiple aspects of the business. Timekeeping is a particular aspect in the workplace used for the completion of a task for many other important reasons. It can be used for company records as well as measuring employee productivity. Below you will find some of the more specific reasons companies […]

Timekeeping in the Workplace and its Effectiveness – Part One

May 25th, 2021 (No Comments)

How a company functions can impact multiple aspects of the business. Timekeeping is a particular aspect in the workplace used for the completion of a task for many other important reasons. It can be used for company records as well as measuring employee productivity. Below you will find some of the more specific reasons companies […]

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