Back about 3 years ago Google My Business added a post tool for businesses to add posts to their listing. You can use this tool on Google My Business to draw interest to your business by posting relevant articles, news, and updates about your business. There is no limit to the number of posts you can add to your listing, so the sky is the limit. If you want to you can add a post every single day to your listing. Each post allows you to feature an image and a call to action like ‘Buy Now’ or “Learn More’. The posts you add are showcased on Google search in your listing as well as Google Maps.
Posting is easy to do. Just login to your business’ Google My Business listing and develop a post. There are fields in GMB to title the post, upload a photo and type or paste 300 words. You can set up the post with a start date and an end date.
To add a post all you need to do is go to your GMB account, login and then create a new post with all the required information. In the post you will be able to upload an image, write up to 300 words of text or an event title, which will include the start/end date and click on a call to action.
The ‘call to action’ options available for Google My Business posts are ‘Get offer’, ‘Learn more’, ‘Reserve’, ‘Sign up’ and ‘Buy’. Each of these offer a way to engage your audience and create a sense of urgency ‘call to action’ that will demonstrate to visitors your business listing on Google My Business that your business is open and read to do business!
Posts are set up to expire after 7 days. Ideally you should write a new post and replace the most recent one the day before the it expires. Each post is set up by Google to trigger an email you to let you know your post is about to expire.
Google My Business offers posting to you as soon as your business listing goes live. Use this information as a guide to add posts and improve your local business listing’s call to action and effectiveness.