25% of the U.S. workforce worked remotely before the pandemic of 2020. It is an innovative business move to consider the advice, tips and strategies, and best methods of managers leading teams of remote workers before the pandemic happened. It would make sense to set down company policies and training for remote-work employees, but this may not be feasible when problems arise, and circumstances change. On a positive note, with the advent of modern management knowledge and techniques, there are known actions company managers and supervisors can do, minus little to no trouble to enhance the daily actions and output of employees working remotely. The time to make these management actions to improve and maintain remote-work employee daily productivity is today.
Supervisors and managers of employees remote working at home should follow these steps:
Set up the Company Calendar with a Daily Check-In Meeting
Holding a meeting every day may come across as overzealous, but for both managers and remote workers, for success to happen, these meetings must happen daily. Meetings establish and maintain a connection that is not possible via text, phone, or email.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
On top of a quick daily meeting, communicating is a must about team daily tasks and duties, accountabilities, and company goals. When working in an office, sharing can be difficult, but it can be impossible when remote working. To be successful, build communication into a manager’s and employee’s daily interactive routine.
Make the Most of 2020s and 2021s High-Tech Tools
Since the pandemic arrived in 2020, it has pushed most businesses to use today’s high-tech tools within days or weeks because of our circumstances now. Companies hold Online meetings daily using Google Meetings, Zoom, and Microsoft teams. Daily meetings and communicating all the time are a breeze using these tools.
Create Meeting Rules
Meeting rules are essential because efficient, effective use of time is critical if meetings and communication will be part of everyone’s daily routine. Remote work will be enhanced and gratifying when managers create meeting rules with respect to time, date, and meeting agenda. IM can be employed when communication must happen immediately, and daily meetings can be done using video conferencing when doing your short daily meeting. Share meeting info and even IM content when and where warranted.
Communicate Information and Belief in Outcomes
Communication is more important now than ever due to the current climate. Keep in mind companies have had to change more now than ever. That means keeping everyone informed and getting staff commitment about commitment on agreed goals and outcomes.
The steps described here are straightforward but not a piece of cake. They mandate time on your part, direct focus, and sticking with each of them. Your remote work team in 2021 will appreciate your efforts; they will enjoy their jobs and be more effective because you took the time to communicate with them and stick with them through these difficult times.