Pluses of Hiring Permanent Employees Opposed to Pluses of Hiring Skilled Contractors

Kevin Kenealy hiring a skilled contractor or a permanent employee Leave a comment  


Hiring a full-time employee or a contractor for open positions requires strong analysis by employers. Each one has its pluses and minuses, but it really comes down to which one makes the most positive sense for a company and the position itself.

The Pluses of Hiring Permanent Employees

Permanent Employees Are “All In”

When an employee accepts employment the likelihood of a full commitment towards an employer is much higher. Full time employees are given employment security and with that security comes a much stronger commitment with respect to time, effort, creativity and drive each day to do the best job possible for the company and the company’s customers.

Permanent Employees are Reliable Professionals

Employers requiring reliable professionals in a position hire the best person possible which means the person doing the job will do a great job, not just an okay job.

Permanent Employees Give Employers Reliable Ongoing Long-Term Results

Employers know it is very important to hire and retain great permanent employees for a business to be successful. Clients and customers count on companies to provide the product or service being paid for to work and to one they can count on. Full-time employees provide the consistent service level needed by employers and counted on by customers.

The Pluses of Hiring Skilled Contractors

Bringing in a Skilled Contractor Solves an Immediate Staffing Need

Companies often have slow periods and other times they have super busy periods. Skilled contractors give companies the ability to be full staffed when times are busy and be staffed appropriately when business is low. Skilled contractors deliver a strong set of skills, produce quality work and they keep allow the regular staff to meet customer demand with top-notch services or products with no reduction in quality.

Skilled Contractors Deliver High Quality Work Skills

The occasion arises when complex projects or a job is outside the scope of skill sets of a company’s permanent employees. Bringing in a skilled contractor will when a complex job needs to get done solves many problems. They make sure the job gets done and it eliminates the improbable task of training regular staff to do the job right and on.

Lowers Employment Hiring Onboarding Tasks

Bringing in a skilled contractor means the human resources does not have to onboard a new employee, which makes the company more efficient because the staff can work on employee administrative tasks instead of needing to work on a new employee hiring as well. Compliance requirements of Homeland Security, Social Security and other agencies is not part of the picture when bringing in a contractor to a work for the company.

Skilled Contractor Are Often Less Expensive than Permanent Employees

If the wages are the same, a skilled contractor most likely will cost less than a full-time employee because of the associated costs that come with all permanent employees. Those costs paid by employers are the employers half of social security taxes, medical, dental and employment insurance costs, to name just a few. Several jobs in today’s economy are done by skilled contractors and freelancers. A company can hire a contractor instead of hiring a full-time

Which Worker Makes More Sense—A Skilled Contractor or Full-Time Employee

The answer to that question depends on the skill set needs of the job or position, and the on-going needs of the employer. It really depends a variety of factors. Once an employer assesses the job or the project hiring a contractor versus a permanent employee hinges on if the needs are short term, or long term.

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