Major Payroll Problems that May Hamper Your Business in 2024

Kevin Kenealy Payroll Problems Comments Off on Major Payroll Problems that May Hamper Your Business in 2024
Major Payroll Problems that May Hamper Your Business in 2024

Running a business is no cakewalk. You have to juggle a million things at once. But one area that can make or break you is payroll. Mess it up, and your business could be in deep trouble before you know it.

This guide will walk you through the most common payroll pitfalls and how to avoid them. I’m not going to bore you with a stuffy textbook style. I’ll keep it real so you can protect your business. Let’s dive in.

Finding The Best Payroll Service

Trying to handle payroll yourself can turn into a nightmare quick. The regulations are complicated as hell. Taxes, overtime rules, time tracking…it’s a major pain.

That’s why most small businesses use a payroll service. When you find the right partner, it makes payroll easy breezy. You just provide the hours and money to pay people. They handle the rest.

But not all payroll companies are created equal. Here’s what to look for in your ideal match:

  • Automatic tax filings – Don’t play games with the IRS and government. You need someone who knows all the obscure regulations and stays on top of changes.
  • Direct deposit – Employees expect their money to appear like magic in their bank account, not old school paper checks. Make it happen.
  • Mobile access – Pick a service where you and employees can tap into payroll info from phones and tablets. The fewer office hoops, the better.
  • 24/7 support – Payroll issues don’t punch a time clock. Make sure the provider has someone to call nights, weekends, and holidays when you really need them.
  • Labor law compliance – You don’t need lawsuits because payroll screwed up overtime or sick leave. Find someone hyper-focused on doing it by the book.
  • Easy time tracking integration – Hours worked have to flow automatically into payroll to avoid headaches. Make sure they play nice with your timekeeping software.

With the right partner handling the grunt work, you can focus on all the other fires that need putting out when running your empire.

Record Keeping for Records for Audits, Payroll Documentation and Future Issues

Making payroll is usually the biggest regular expense your company faces. If cash flow falls out of whack, you can’t make those deposits on payday. That’s when things spiral downhill fast.

Know the warning signs that payroll is wrecking your cash flow:

  • Never having quite enough in the bank before payday hits
  • Paying people or taxes late (massive fines if you do this!)
  • Employees grumbling about delays getting their money
  • Relying on credit lines or loans just to cover payroll

Don’t stick your head in the sand. Be proactive so this doesn’t happen:

  • Keep a payroll cushion in your bank account for emergencies
  • Check on upcoming taxes so you’re never surprised
  • Put new hires and raises on hold until finances stabilize
  • Review hours and overtime closely each pay period to control costs
  • Ask employees to submit time off requests early
  • Use a payroll service to help manage the cash flow ups and downs

Keep payroll from punching holes in your budget, or it could knock out your business for good.

Classifying Employees

How you classify employees as hourly, salary, or contractors has huuuuge impacts on payroll. If you get it wrong, you can get socked with massive fines or lawsuits.

Two things determine who is who on your team:

Job Duties

Salaried managers: Responsible for big picture stuff

Hourly employees: Handle daily tasks

Contractors: Bring specialized skills for projects


Employees: Integral to operations, consistent duties

Contractors: Work independently, temporary projects

It gets muddy quick. Consult the labor department’s rules if unsure. Or talk to an attorney to review your employee categories.

Better to take the time upfront than blow it and end up in legal trouble down the road.

What You Need to Keep On File

Imagine the IRS shows up wanting to audit your payroll records. Or an employee sues for unpaid overtime. Yikes!

You MUST have detailed documentation to avoid giant fines or settlements. Here’s what to keep on file for at least 4 years:

  • Employee personal info, job titles, pay rates
  • Timesheets and schedules
  • Payroll records and registers
  • Pay stubs and W-2s
  • Recaps of taxes, benefits, deductions
  • Time off accruals and usage
  • Employment contracts

Set reminders to double check your records annually. Having your paperwork tight can save your butt!

If records are missing when you get audited or sued, you’ll likely pay the price big time.

Labor Laws and Regulations

Can you recite every employment law and regulation that affects payroll off the top of your head? Didn’t think so! Very few people can.

That’s why you’ve gotta put some systems in place to stay up-to-date:

  • Bookmark key government sites and signup for email updates on changes
  • Attend seminars or webinars on labor laws
  • Review your policies, contracts, and handbooks yearly
  • Confirm your payroll company handles any new requirements
  • Talk to attorneys if you have compliance questions

Rules are always evolving on:

  • Minimum wage
  • Overtime
  • Taxes
  • Paid leave
  • Reporting

Don’t stick your head in the sand. Keep payroll compliant, or you will eventually get bitten.

Cloud Payroll

The old paper timesheets and file cabinet payroll methods lead to mistakes. You need an online payroll system to stay out of trouble.

Look for one with these key features:

  • Mobile app – Employees can check their hours and payroll status from their phone anytime. No more chasing down managers with questions!
  • Reminders – Keeps managers in the loop on approvals, birthdays, reviews, and deadlines. No more fire drills!
  • Secure access – Top notch data security to keep personal info safe from hackers.
  • Rules engine – Sets up triggers and actions when certain conditions are met to catch errors. Super slick!
  • Reporting – Real-time reports help you analyze costs, overtime, turnover, and other trends.
  • Document storage – Safely access old records, contracts, handbooks, W-2s in one place.
  • Tax compliance – Automatic filings, deposits, and reminders to avoid penalties.

Do your homework to pick the right platform. Get demos, talk to their clients, read reviews online. Moving to a slick cloud payroll system can save your tail.

Payroll Input Errors

Payroll seems easy – just enter some hours and hit a button to pay people, right? Wrong! Small mistakes entering data can cause huge problems:

  • Hours entered incorrectly
  • Dates mixed up on timecards
  • Incorrect pay rates or deductions
  • Forgetting to update info for promotions or life events
  • Lag time from when hours worked until entered into payroll

These get bigger over time. Then you’re dealing with incorrect pay, extra taxes owed, missed deductions, and some very unhappy employees. No bueno.

Here are some controls to catch errors before they blow up:

  • Do payroll audits before AND after each pay period – verify everything!
  • Limit system access to key personnel only
  • Require manager approval for all timesheets and pay changes
  • Insist on electronic timecards to eliminate illegible handwriting

Your team depends on accurate paychecks to pay their own bills. Don’t betray that trust with sloppy data practices!

Payroll Processing Deadlines

Payroll is a race against the clock every period. Even small delays can spiral into big problems:

  • Paychecks get delayed
  • Direct deposits don’t arrive on time
  • Tax agencies get cranky if you pay late
  • Employees panic about rent due if pay is late

Common timing snafus:

  • Managers drag feet approving hours
  • New hires don’t submit paperwork in time
  • Bad weather delays check delivery
  • Payroll staff out sick on payday

Map out all key dates well in advance on a payroll calendar:

  • Tax deadlines
  • Direct deposit schedules
  • Manager approvals
  • Check printing and delivery

Build in padding on your schedule for slip ups. Follow the old adage: “On time is late, early is on time.” Don’t press your luck when employees’ livelihoods are on the line.

Fraud Risk

Like any area handling money, payroll can attract fraud. Employees may fudge hours or add fake workers. Managers could be in on the scheme. Even your payroll provider might pocket some of the cash.

Watch for these sneaky signs of fraud:

  • Hours never vary – always 40.00 exactly each week
  • Former employees still getting paid
  • Expenses lack receipts or seem excessive
  • Employees with access making their own unauthorized pay changes
  • Pay rates way above normal for that role
  • Direct deposit info changing unexpectedly

Set up safeguards like:

  • Using time clocks with fingerprint or badge swipes to record hours
  • Having multiple people review and approve pay changes
  • Running payroll reports to catch red flags
  • Changing system passwords regularly and limiting access
  • Doing surprise audits and double checking totals
  • Encouraging anonymous tips if anyone suspects fraud

Payroll schemes happen more than you’d think. Don’t let your company be the next victim!

New Payroll System? Don’t Wing Implementation!

Maybe your payroll provider raised prices. Perhaps you’re seeking more automation. Either way, implementing a new payroll system takes planning:

  • Define goals and metrics for success upfront
  • Map out current payroll workflows in detail
  • Scrub employee data thoroughly before import
  • Train admins and run tests before launch
  • Start with one team as a pilot before going companywide
  • Have vendor consultants assist with setup and migration
  • Document every step and guideline for your team
  • Tweak processes during the transition period
  • Announce changes and timeline to employees early

You can’t just flip a switch and expect everything to work. Sloppy rollouts lead to missed paychecks, tax penalties, and fury from your team.

Take your time and get it right – your business depends on it!

Streamline Payroll Processing

Don’t settle for just getting payroll done. Look for ways to make it better:

  • Use time clocks and mobile apps – say bye to paper timesheets!
  • Standardize procedures into checklists and document them
  • Store records digitally on a shared drive – stop the filing cabinet madness!
  • Have backups trained on all key processes
  • Schedule annual reviews of payroll practices and policies
  • Get employee feedback on what works and what doesn’t

Even small process tweaks add up. Don’t leave savings on the table. Kaizen that payroll!

Final Thoughts

Let’s recap the highlights so you can avoid payroll disasters:

  • Find an affordable and reliable payroll service provider to handle the grunt work
  • Manage cash flow closely to fully fund payroll without delays
  • Classify employees and contractors properly to avoid legal issues
  • Maintain immaculate documentation and records
  • Keep up with changing regulations and compliance rules
  • Use modern online payroll software with key features like mobile access
  • Institute controls and audits to prevent or catch payroll input errors fast
  • Give yourself a cushion on deadlines – better early than late!
  • Guard against fraud through separation of duties and verification
  • Take time to thoroughly test and train before launching new systems
  • Continuously look for ways to streamline and improve processes

Payroll probably won’t ever be your favorite part of running a business. But get it right, and it will allow you to succeed. Keep employees happy with accurate, on-time pay, and avoid turning into the next payroll disaster headline!

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