Regulatory concerns in 2020 are nothing to sneeze at and business owners should always know what they are and be read to address them. Businesses and their human resources departments need to stay on top of all regulatory compliance subjects, so their businesses keep in line and stay successful.
Presented for your knowledge and reference as the year continues to unfold are the biggest regulatory problems company’s need to be aware of and comply with in 2020:
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
The #MeToo moving is here to stay. It has grown awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace and will continue to do so. The outcome of this awareness has led state and city legislative bodies to pass laws and created serious regulations governing workplace sexual harassment prevention which includes implementation of employer required policies and training to stop it from happening. Businesses need to look at their policies covering workplace improper behavior and developing a legally compliant workplace that includes respect, safety for both workers and clients or customers.
Laws Governing Family Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave
Paid family leave and paid sick leave are now covered by new laws rolled out by several states and local municipalities. Several states have legislatures that have passed laws giving employees that are eligible paid leave to care for family members or care for ones’ self. There is a certain level of possibility that paid family leave law may also come about at the federal level. Several states passed legislation in 2019 mandating employers give paid time off to qualified full-time employees that does not mandate providing a reason for the time off.
Marijuana Becoming Legal in Various States
Several states across the U.S. have passed laws that have make marijuana legal for medical or recreational use or both and that cover the decriminalization of it as well. Right now, there are close to 1 dozen states that have passed laws making marijuana legal. Companies have stay current with these new laws, changes regard marijuana’s legality, and what court adjudications have occurred about it. Companies also need to look at company policy regarding allowing its medicinal use by employees and policies it has in place regarding drug testing.