Cool Strategies to Ramp Up 2019 Employee Hiring

Kevin Kenealy hiring employees in 2019, human resources Leave a comment   ,

In 2019 in the US employment market, employees with top talent hire on and leave companies more quickly now than ever before. The days of people with long term careers at the same employer are gone. Because talent comes and goes so quickly at employers, one would think companies would be geared up all the time ready to hire new talented employees at the drop of hat.

As it turns out many employers do not desire to hire at the speed of light. Many companies value an extended hiring cycle because it provides for my time to review and compare all potential hires and it allows the company to hire the top candidate for the job. Taking time, being patient and diligent when hiring a new employee can pay dividends.

Employment occurs at most companies when a company is growing and adding new staff or when a person leaves a position. When looking at the needs of a company and its success or lack of it, looking at its hiring process will provide a lot of clues as to why the company is growing and profitable or why it is not. Hiring top talent is a talent and companies that do it well are quite often successful.

Hiring Quickly in 2019 is Not a New Thing, It, is the Thing.

In the past employees would not a leave a job because the were worried about security. Today employees many times make many job changes and never worry about security because moving from one company to another it part of the job market today in 2019. The talent level today is better and the number of people in the talent pool is larger than ever. 30 years ago, there were 97 million people in the U.S work force and now 30 years later there are 128 million people in the work force. The pool of talent is bigger, people are willing to change jobs and there are more companies in business today than there back then. Certain job sectors like professional services and health care are really growing in 2019, making the need to hire quickly to fill open positions is more important than ever.

Today, employees who were once reluctant to leave a job for fear of losing security are now more likely to make a move. Furthermore, that pool of highly-qualified talent that was rendered jobless is more eager than ever to get back into the workforce. Now that opportunities are available — particularly in sectors like healthcare and professional services where hiring is taking place, people are job searching.

Facts are facts and the fact is, people with bachelor’s degrees or more have lower unemployment rates than people with only a high school diploma. This translates to companies needing to move quickly to hire the best talent, such as job seekers with degrees, because they don’t stay available for long. Companies want better employees because it translates most of the time into better results, better sales and more profit.

There is a logical business need to fill a job position. At the same time the benefit that comes from filling the job translates into company success such as sales and profitability is just as important. Human Resources moving slowing when hiring a new employee costs a company important time, money and quite possibly, credibility. If a company’s services start falling behind or projects are not getting done in a timely fashion, the company will look bad and maybe start losing business.

Here’s How to Ramp Up Your Company’s Hiring Speed in 2019

Here are several strategies your company should look at employing to ramp up the speed at which hiring is accomplished:

  • Notify Your Existing Staff of Your Job Opening
  • Write a Concise Well Written Description of the Job
  • Choose Quality Prospects to Come in for Interviews
  • Use Strategic Action and Reduce Steps That Slow Down Completion of the Hiring Cycle
  • Develop a Permanent Company Talent Plan
  • Hire a Consultant to Help Your Company with Your Hiring Process or Outsource Part of It

The biggest bonus a company sees when it ramps up its hiring process and brings in new employees quickly is it gives the company time to focus on important action plans that keep current employees and it in turn makes the company more successful and more profitable.

It is so important today, with the smaller available skilled talent pool, for companies to focus on its current work staff. Keeping talented employees happy and productive is very important. Hiring people talented people quickly and efficiently is more important today than ever. ​​


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