The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division’s job is to be an advocate and attain employer adherence to United States labor laws and standards set down by the set of acts it is charged with administering and enforcing and to take care and improve the overall well-being of the country’s workers.
Enforcement and Administration of U.S. Labor Laws & Standards
The U. S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division’s primary job is to make sure employers follow the child labor rules, overtime pay, record keeping and federal minimum wage requirements of the country’s Fair Labor Standards Act. The Wage and Hour Division all makes sure employers follow the wage garnishment provisions of the Consumer Credit Protection Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act and the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act. It also enforces several rules covering employment standards and worker protections that are part of many immigration statutes. The WHD is also charged with overseeing and make sure employers follow the current wage mandates set down in the Davis-Bacon, Related Acts and the Service Contract Act, plus all other applicable statures covering federal construction contracts and others related to goods and services provision.