Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company’s Payroll – Part Two

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Make Direct Deposit Easy

Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company's Payroll

Do you know how much dispatching a hard copy payroll check costs a company? A business will pay up to two dollars for each paper check it distributes, but when they use direct deposit, each transaction costs only about thirty-five cents. If you think about it, with the elimination of paper paychecks, your company or government entity, such as local county government like Valencia County in New Mexico, could save 100’s or even thousands of dollars each month.

Some companies that offer these payroll
services will see a significant increase in direct deposit enrollment simply
because the programs that they are using require it. Employers who have started
using these services have gotten their staff to obtain banking information to
be able to transition away from hard copy, paper checks. In some cases, for
some miscellaneous unknown reason, certain employees will not be able to get a
bank account. When presented with these circumstances, there are alternative
options, such as pre-paid debit cards available that will allow them to get
paid with the direct deposit systems.

Employ Automated Online Timekeeping System

Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company's Payroll
Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company’s Payroll

It can be easy to manipulate paper time
sheets or an electronic spreadsheet type system to a person’s benefit by adding
minutes here or there, be it purposely or simply due to an inaccurate time
clock. Employers, you may be quite surprised how much money you can save and
how many errors your payroll can avoid by switching to an automated time
keeping system. These devices or systems are usually simple to roll out and
integrate into your current payroll system.

 Improve Employee Retention

When you look at companies that usually pay right around minimum wage, the percentage of wages paid out may seem fairly low in comparison with other industries, however when you factor in the higher level of turn over, that can easily become far from the truth.

Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company's Payroll
Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company’s Payroll

Business owners may like the idea of lower wages, but this can produce a higher turnover rate within the company. Each employee that chooses to jump ship ultimately costs the company both time and money that gets added to the task of payroll. When you add up the costs of adding, then subtracting them from the payroll, the time spent considering appropriate tax deductions and setting up the banking or checking information for their payroll account, it can be much more costly to have a high turnover rate than you might think. By keeping a happy staff, you will save money overall on your payroll. 

Look to your local payroll resources, like the Payroll Company, based in Albuquerque, NM, to help save your business or organization time, money and improve your payroll process.

Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company’s Payroll – Part One

Kevin Kenealy online payroll processing Comments Off on Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company’s Payroll – Part One
Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company's Payroll - The Payroll Company 505-944-0105
Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company’s Payroll –
The Payroll Company 505-944-0105

Payroll is the life force of your company and for your employees, which amounts to being one of the largest expenses you will have. Employee compensation goes far beyond their paycheck. In order to keep your workers happy and your business functional, there are other employee related expense that need to be taken into consideration, such as; vacation and sick time, overtime, commissions, bonuses, health benefits, severance pay, and any other benefits you may offer and provide. This is just the tip of the iceberg, when you look beneath the surface, there are also things like Medicare and Social Security Taxes, any other taxes that your state may require, along with state and federal unemployment insurance to be considered.

With all of that being accounted for, your organizations’ or company’s payroll can consume anywhere from 60 to 80 percent of a large amount of small businesses overall revenue. It is important to be sure there are never any payroll mistakes, or it could potentially cost your small business even more. For example, if your company’s pays its payroll taxes late, the penalties are as follows: If the payment is between one and five days late, the IRS charges a penalty of 2 percent of the unpaid tax. Deposits made six to 15 days late are charged a 5 percent penalty. If your payment is more than 16 days late, the IRS will charge a 10 percent penalty. Here are a few suggestions on ways that you can save some of that hard-earned money when it comes to handling your payroll.

Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company's Payroll - The Payroll Company 505-944-0105
Great Ways to Save Money
On Your Company’s Payroll
The Payroll Company 505-944-0105

 Consider Outsourcing Payroll

Handling payroll is a large task and if you are currently taking it on personally or within your business somehow, it is likely that you are spending a lot of time and resources on organizing your payroll alone. It doesn’t take long before it can become expensive and very time consuming. As a business grows from small to medium-sized, the burden of payroll will also increase. Eventually, you will have other things to focus on than the intricacies of handling payroll. There are many things that can fall to the wayside like new regulations, deadlines, or even calculation errors when it comes to the technical aspects such as tax-exempt items. Overall, outsourcing for your payroll needs will alleviate the stress that comes with overseeing your own payroll and handling the wages of your employees. This will also help minimize calculation errors, avoid any penalties, and reduce the risk of spending too much money and effort on a task that others specialize in. 

Great Ways to Save Money On Your Company’s Payroll
The Payroll Company 505-944-0105 a

Top Reasons to Switch Your Company to Online Payroll Processing – Part Two

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Your Company to Online Payroll

There are a lot of reasons why companies are switching to online payroll systems. Completing important task such as payroll taxes, paying payroll in a timely manner, and payroll tax reporting all become automated and get done on time and 100% accurately when a company does their payroll through an online payroll processing company. Featured below are a select set of reasons it makes sense to switch your company’s payroll to online as well as requirements needed to complete the task when making the switch:

Managing Payroll Taxes with Ease

It is critical your company manage and pay its payroll taxes on time and 100% accurately. Two reasons for this are you do not want to pay late fees on payroll taxes, and you do not want to be audited by the IRS. By signing up with for online payroll processing and sticking with it to run your company’s payroll, you always be current on the most recent tax mandates and you will always be current on your payroll taxes. Both employer tax liabilities and employee deductions for tax with-holdings will be calculated, collected and disbursed to the correct party each payroll period on time automatically.

on your payroll size and pay periods, an online payroll system will automate
paying all your federal, state and local taxes due, file your quarterly reports
with the IRS and help you keep up with administrative management tasks
efficiently and on time. Online payroll systems include all required payroll documentation
companies need including Form 1099, Form W-2 and Form W-4.

User-Friendly Financial Reporting System

in 2019 businesses count on schedule financial reports to make estimates about
company cash flow and to make concise well-informed choices about planning
budgets for marketing, capital expenditures and payroll. Online payroll systems
are programmed to interface with most financial reporting systems companies
use. If your company’s accounting system does not interface automatically with
an online payroll system with a few clicks of a mouse, to get it connected is
more than likely just an hour or two of assistance from the company’s help desk
to get it done. With an online payroll system, you will be able to look at payroll
data for the company, for specific departments and for individual company employees.
Data and reports for payroll and its impact on the company can be generated in
minutes and the provided to department heads, human resources and management if
you are able to login to the system. Financial planning and strategizing and
managing the company will improve dramatically once your company has completed an
online payroll integration.

Top Reasons to Switch Your Company to Online Payroll Processing – Part One

Kevin Kenealy online payroll processing Comments Off on Top Reasons to Switch Your Company to Online Payroll Processing – Part One

Switching Your Company to Online Payroll

There are a lot of reasons why companies are switching to online payroll systems. Completing important task such as payroll taxes, paying payroll in a timely manner, and payroll tax reporting all become automated and get done on time and 100% accurately when a company does their payroll through an online payroll processing company. Featured below are a select set of reasons it makes sense to switch your company’s payroll to online as well as requirements needed to complete the task when making the switch:

Online Payroll Processing Pluses for Employers and Employees

Providing payroll to employees through and online service is
all the rage for both Human Resources and accounting departments in 2019.
Businesses count on payroll to make sure their business run’s successfully and
efficiently because if employees don’t get paid on time and correctly employees
will look for work elsewhere which may bring your business to a standstill. Employees
and independent contractors count on pay being paid on time as agreed. This
fact is so true, but running payroll processing from inputting it, to cutting
checks or completing payroll direct deposit to completing legally required tax
filings takes a huge amount of time and can be costly. Doing payroll correctly
and quickly is mandatory. Bear in mind it is very important to spend less time on
doing managerial tasks that take up tons of time and spend more time on growing
your business. Today with the advent on online payroll systems more companies than
ever are switching to doing payroll online through a payroll processing company
because its’ more accurate, it is systematic, so your company stays in compliance
with taxes and reporting, it saves time and it saves money. Here is what to
check for with respect to online payroll and the key benefits to switching to
it when the change is made.

Super-Efficient Rock-Solid Secure Connection

connection to an online payroll system must be super-secure and very efficient,
without no room whatsoever of begin hacked. Payroll processing mandates highly
secure system because it manages private financial information for both your company
and its employees. Sensitive financial data being handled by payroll systems includes
company federal tax identification number and employee social security numbers.
A secure connection with built-in firewalls and a secure socket layer is mandatory
for all online payroll systems. Protection both the company’s private data, its
money and its employees’ private data is very important. With that in mind an online
payroll system must be very secure and be user-friendly for all concerned.

With an
online payroll system each employee is set up with its own employee profile
complete with exemptions, deductions for benefits and pay rate scale. Once all
your company’s employees are set up with a profile and the system is full integrate
with all your vendors (benefits, taxes etc.) running payroll will be a snap. Payroll
for Employees of all pay types and contractors can be managed right from your
company’s desktop with a simple online dashboard interface. Your payroll company
clerk, company bookkeeper or accounting department can login, review the weeks
payroll, approve it, complete requested updates and do scheduled payroll by
completing a hand full of regular tasks. 
The time, hassle and expense of payroll will all improve, plus the chance
of making a mistake will go down dramatically because payroll systems are efficient
computer programs written to complete payroll the right way every time.