Gone are the days of casual appreciation in an office environment. Through creative ideas, you can show your employees that they’re appreciated and valued for their hard work during stressful times!
The old ways of thanking people by saying “good job” or patting them on the back simply won’t cut it anymore. Here’s how 7 different types of recognition might help:
Employees Deserve More, So You Should Give Them More!
Thank all employees inclusive of newly hired college graduates to top executives. The unrecognized stars who brought your company through the pandemic in their own way deserve recognition for their efforts and sacrifices made during these difficult times!
Explore personal ways of showing gratitude with meaningful tokens like flowers or gift cards that can be used any time.
The following passage was written by a very wise CEO as part of a Thank You letter:
“From those at our helm up high on the organizational charts to those down low within departments – we see you!”
There is no doubt how grateful he is about the role that each person has played. A simple acknowledgement that means more than how it appears on the surface, and sometimes, all that is needed.
Recent studies have shown that employees find experiential gifts, cash, or gift cards the most meaningful for achievement recognition. One company set up a one-time event so they could give their staff members access to thousands of new gadgets and gear to make every person feel special with something meaningful.
According to research conducted by The International House of Prayer Department Store (IHOPDS), employee appreciation events can positively impact day-to-day interactions between co-workers while also fostering workplace culture.
Don’t Just Recognize, Appreciate
In a world of living authentically, your appreciation must be specific and unique. In this virtual era of recognition, it’s not about what you say but how well does it reflect the individual situation?
This could mean being patient with someone who has been going through a breakdown or overcoming conflict for them to do their job better – after all that person is still important too! It might also involve taking responsibility when others need help. We know our employees value time off as much as we do ourselves – being there no matter what really means something special.
Recognize Team and Individual Achievements to Show What Can Be Achieved
In times of crisis, it is important to focus communications efforts on the realities people face. Organizations who do not sugarcoat or minimize these hard truths but instead work very hard at soothing their hearts and minds will generate power.
By embracing opportunities rather than immersing themselves in victimhood, they can use this mindset shift for success throughout all areas: from how metrics are influenced, right down to celebrating small victories as we illuminate a new pathway towards even greater gains!
Finding Other Ways to Acknowledge Accomplishments
It is critical to demonstrate your appreciation for the tough work and dedication that employees do, but don’t have time or resources to give them something physical then there are other ways.
Introduce internal social walls where staff can see each other’s accomplishments. Create personalized yearbooks made up of jotted down thoughts on what makes their workplace special. Maybe add some symbolic moments such has birthdays (or anniversaries), plus photos from events celebrated throughout the past year.